The child obtains pre-primary education by completing the last year of the educational program of the Department of Education in Kindergarten. Pre-primary education is usually completed by the child in the school year in which he or she reaches the age of six by 31. August and reaches school eligibility.
After graduating from kindergarten, the child is ready to enter primary school and further active life in society. Kindergarten education aims at the acquisition of general education and provides basic preconditions for general education at the following levels of education. A child who graduates from kindergarten has standard characteristics of school competence specified in educational standards. Objectives and educational content are expressed in individual educational areas so that they are compatible with the basic requirements for the combination of knowledge, skills and attitudes expressed in the concept of so-called Recommendation of the European Parliament and of the Council of the European Union of 18 December 2006 on key competences for lifelong learning (2006/962 / EC). According to this recommendation, these are the key competences that all individuals need for personal satisfaction and development, active citizenship, social inclusion and employment.
Taking into account the basic framework of key competencies, the child in kindergarten acquires basic elements:
1. communication competencies,
2. mathematical competences and competences in the field of science and technology,
3. digital competences,
4. competence to learn, solve problems, think creatively and critically,
5. social and personnel competences,
6. civic competences,
7. work competencies.
After graduating from kindergarten, the child does not have developed competencies in the given areas. Achieving the basic goals of individual educational areas of this program creates preconditions for their full development in the future.
The main goal of education in kindergarten is to achieve the optimal cognitive, sensorimotor and socio-emotional level as a basis for school education in primary school and for life in society.
State education program (ISCED 0): - represents a state-defined definition of objectives and content of pre-primary education in accordance with current requirements for building the foundations of education and cultural literacy in today's society, - represents a basic framework for creating specific school education programs that are tailored to local needs. kindergartens and children attending kindergarten, - is a framework, support and starting point for the creation of methodological materials for kindergartens that help kindergartens to implement their school curricula, - is designed so that pre-primary education is a full-fledged starting point for general education in other levels of education; defined educational areas ensure continuity with primary education in primary school, - emphasizes meaningful evaluation work in achieving the goals of education in kindergarten and in evaluating the effectiveness of pre-primary education, - emphasizes requirements for ensuring inclusive education in kindergarten, - creates prerequisites for autonomous planning and implementation education and training at the level of specific kindergartens.